Carers Voice

Speakers for Feb/March Carer Involvement Meetings announced

Our Carer Involvement meetings are an opportunity for Carers to come together with Carers and organisations working in the local area to share feedback about services. They also offer the chance for Carers to connect and gain valuable information about support and activities in the local area. They are split into 5 areas across Norfolk & Waveney and take place on Thursdays from 12.30-2.30pm

As all meetings are able to be joined via Zoom, Carers are very welcome to attend a meeting outside of their area if they are interested in the speaker.

Click Here to sign up to receive the meeting details for your area. If you are interested in joining for a specific speaker, please let us know by emailing and we can send you the agenda and timings.

Click Here to view the Carers Voice Meetings Code of Conduct

Click Here to view the Carer Involvement Meetings Terms of Reference

West Norfolk  

Thursday 6th February 2025 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Tech Skills for Life 
Karen Robson, Community Tech Coach 

Karen will provide information on the new WhatsApp AI assistant being developed to support unpaid Carers. 

Healthwatch Norfolk 
John Spall, Research and Project Manager

John will provide information on a three-year project that has been commissioned by Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust. The project is exploring the experience of Carers of adults with a serious mental illness. This year the focus is on specific groups of Carers, including those Carers who are under the age of 45 years, which was identified as a priority as it is a group of Carers that Healthwatch has had little engagement with.

NR Care
Ian Callam, Registered Manager 

Ian will introduce and explain the benefits of Carer Breaks for unpaid Carers and give advice and insight into how these can be requested and accessed. NR Care is an Independent Home Care provider that focuses on providing Carer Breaks, longer day visits, waking nights and live in care. Ian is an experienced Registered Manager and is happy to answer questions and offer insight or signposting to further advice or assistance relating to social care. 

East Norfolk & Waveney  

Thursday 13th February 2025 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Tech Skills for Life 
Danielle Prostrollo-Hill, Arrin Brown, Nicole Morgan 

Danielle, Arrin and Nicole will provide information on the new WhatsApp AI assistant being developed to support unpaid Carers.

Healthwatch Norfolk 
John Spall, Research and Project Manager

John will provide information on a three-year project that has been commissioned by Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust. The project is exploring the experience of Carers of adults with a serious mental illness. This year the focus is on specific groups of Carers, including those Carers who are under the age of 45 years, which was identified as a priority as it is a group of Carers that Healthwatch has had little engagement with.

Autism Central Service 
Carly Clarke, Autism Training Coordinator, SEND Strategy and Innovation Team, Essex County Council 

Carly will provide information on the service, what it offers and how it can support people.  

South Norfolk  

Thursday 20th February 2025 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Tech Skills for Life 
Danielle Prostrollo-Hill

Danielle will provide information on the new WhatsApp AI assistant being developed to support unpaid Carers.

Healthwatch Norfolk 
John Spall, Research and Project Manager

John will provide information on a three-year project that has been commissioned by Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust. The project is exploring the experience of Carers of adults with a serious mental illness. This year the focus is on specific groups of Carers, including those Carers who are under the age of 45 years, which was identified as a priority as it is a group of Carers that Healthwatch has had little engagement with.

Serious Mental Illness Physical Health
Paul Newton, Registered General Nurse/NMP/Clinical Team Manager SMI Physical Health/Clozapine Service, Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT)

Paul will be sharing information about the Serious Mental Health Physical Health/Clozapine Service within NSFT, including where the service is based, the support available and information about physical health checks.

Norwich/Central Norfolk  

Thursday 27th February 2025 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Tech Skills for Life 
Danielle Prostrollo-Hill

Danielle will provide information on the new WhatsApp AI assistant being developed to support unpaid Carers.

Healthwatch Norfolk 
John Spall, Research and Project Manager

John will provide information on a three-year project that has been commissioned by Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust. The project is exploring the experience of Carers of adults with a serious mental illness. This year the focus is on specific groups of Carers, including those Carers who are under the age of 45 years, which was identified as a priority as it is a group of Carers that Healthwatch has had little engagement with.

Care UK 
Angela Hodge, Senior Customer Relations Manager  

Angela will share information and guidance on care homes.

North Norfolk  

Thursday 6th March 2025 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Tech Skills for Life 
Danielle Prostrollo-Hill

Danielle will provide information on the new WhatsApp AI assistant being developed to support unpaid Carers.

Healthwatch Norfolk 
John Spall, Research and Project Manager

John will provide information on a three-year project that has been commissioned by Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust. The project is exploring the experience of Carers of adults with a serious mental illness. This year the focus is on specific groups of Carers, including those Carers who are under the age of 45 years, which was identified as a priority as it is a group of Carers that Healthwatch has had little engagement with.

111 Mental Health
Susie Moore, Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust (NSFT)

Susie will be attending to share information about the 111 mental health option, 24-hour urgent mental health helpline.

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